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10 best Caleb Williams memes that capture his disgusted reactionafterUtahloss

Caleb Williams is going through a rough time. Last year's Heisman Trophy winner and the frontrunner entering this season, the USC quarterback has suffered two straight losses. That has put his contention up in smoke.

The Week 8 loss to the Utah Utes especially hurt Williams as Utah negated his comeback bid with a game-winning field goal as time expired in a 34-32 loss on Saturday. His disgusted reaction – sitting on the bench, not even going for a postgame handshake – went viral on social media, giving the college football world some new meme material.

Then-No. 14 Utah led USC by 14 points in the third quarter and led 31-23 with 8:24 to play before Caleb Williams rallied the Trojans to take a 32-31 lead on his 11-yard run with 1:46 remaining. However, he didn't complete a two-point conversion pass for the second time in the fourth quarter and the Utes won on Cole Becker's 38-yard field goal as time expired.

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The star quarterback, who has thrown one touchdown pass in the past two losses as the Trojans plummeted from No. 10 to No. 22, looked disgusted after the loss, planting himself on the bench after Becker's field goal ended the game.

It was the Trojans' second straight loss of the season after going down to then-No. 21 Notre Dame Fighting Irish in a 48-20 Week 7 blowout. The losing skid has also jeopardized the team's chances of going to the College Football Playoff and Williams' chances of winning back-to-back Heisman trophies.

The fans, on the other hand, have some new meme material out of the reaction and the QB's struggles against top 25 teams.

Top 10 Caleb Willams Utah loss reaction memes

#1, The Utah nemesis

This meme pokes fun at Caleb Williams' record against Utah after he ended up on the losing side again.

#2, Winning streak continues

The reaction is valid when these stats come in front of you. The Trojans' struggles against the Utes are definitely real.

#3, Look says it all

The look says it all about how Williams was feeling after the loss.

#4, Not Heisman material?

Last year's Heisman winner did not even go to shake hands with the opponents after the loss. Unsportsmanlike?

#5, Hurts a lot

Caleb Williams took the loss personally.

#6, The quarterback comparison

The difference between the reactions of both quarterbacks is worth a look.

#7, Will Top 25 struggles continue?

Three of USC's next four games are against Top 25 opponents. Can Williams chuck away the demons and register some solid wins in that stretch?

#8, The difference of night and day

USC has dominated every opponent in the Lincoln Riley era, everyone except the Utes.

#9, The common factor

This meme gives us the connection that the Oklahoma Sooners share with Utah, and it is all about Caleb Williams.

#10, How does it feel?

A fan asks Lincoln Riley a question after USC's second loss in the 2023 season.

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