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10 Things You Didnt Know about Michael Ian Black

Michael Ian Black

Michael Ian Black is not a household name for all of us, but he will be before too much longer. He’s a writer and an actor, and you know his face. Even if you do not know his name, and you’re not sure who he is, you can see that he is so familiar. What you recognize is that he’s a comedian you’ve seen everywhere from television to the movies, and he’s not one who is easily forgettable. However, he’s not someone that people know all that much about. We know he is hilarious, and we know we’ve seen him on television and in the movies, but we don’t know much about his personal life, his beliefs or what he does for fun on a Saturday evening. We might never know these things, to be fair, but we do know that we have unearthed a few things about Michael Ian Black you probably did not know in the past. Here you go, fans; more than you ever wanted to know about Michael Ian Black.

He’s an author

That’s right friends; Michael Ian Black has a new book out, and it’s called “Navel Gazing.” It’s a memoir about his life so far, and it’s going to be hilarious. He is someone who does not have much to hide when it comes to his life if you ask, and he is really bringing it all out on the table right now in his new book and as an author.

He’s from Chicago

Like so many famous faces we have come to know and love in television, Michael Ian Black is from Chicago. He was born and raised there with his family, despite the fact that his parents made the decision to divorce when he was only three. Their marriage might not have survived, but they were there for their son throughout his life.

His mother is a lesbian

There was never any real confusion as to why Michael Ian Black’s parent’s marriage did not work out. While some kids might sit back in confusion and wonder if it is something that they might have done, he has never had to worry about that. He knows that it’s nothing he did that caused his parents to divorce. In fact, his mother came out as a lesbian, which really took the confusion away for him as a child.

His father died

When Michael Ian Black was only 12, his father was assaulted. There is no information regarding this attack or what happened to him. All we know is that he went to the hospital for emergency surgery to repair the damage done. He was released, came back sick and ended up dying on the table thanks to the medication the hospital administered him. That was not an easy time in his life.

His real name is not Black

He might go by the name Michael Ian Black, but that’s not his actual surname. In fact, his real last name is Schwartz, but there was already an actor with the same name already working. So, since his name actually meant “Black,” he made the decision to go by Michael Ian Black as an actor and a writer and an author to prevent any potential confusion.

He loves poker

He is a poker enthusiast, and he likes to play as often as possible. We don’t know if he is any good at it, but we do know that he is one who has appeared more than once on reality shows about poker players, and in some big name games. He loves the game, and he must have a pretty good poker face to play as often as he does.

He is an atheist

Why he has made the decision to forgo religion is not something he has discussed or come out with in his past, but it is a fact that he is an atheist. He has faced some criticism for his beliefs, or lack thereof, throughout the course of his career, but nothing that has ever made him feel as if his career is in jeopardy or that he cannot continue to work in Hollywood as a comedian and an actor. He does not, however, believe in organized religion or any sort of higher power.

He’s a family man

Michael Ian Black might have a very busy career, but that does not mean he does not have time for a family. He has a wife and they have two kids together. They’ve been married almost twenty years at this point, so we are going to take a guess and say that his marriage is one that works fairly well for he and his wife. Their kids are not really in the spotlight much, which is something that he prefers. Not all actors and comedians want their kids in the spotlight, and he’s done a good job of keeping them there.

He lives in Connecticut

When he made the decision to become a famous actor and comedian, Michael Ian Black made the decision not to live in New York City or even Hollywood. It’s not something that many people choose for their own careers. It’s must easier to live in and work in one of those cities, but he does not want to raise his kids there, and he does not like the idea of living in either location. In fact, he and his wife prefer to live where they are because they like the privacy that they have there.

He’s a college drop out

As so many of the most famous actors and actresses do in the world, he attended the Tisch School of Performing Arts in New York City. It’s a school with an impressive roster of famous names, and it’s something that the school is very famous for. However, he did not graduate. He made the decision to leave the school to go ahead and pursue his career as a comedian and as an actor. He did all right for himself, too, so he’s probably not regretting this decision he made so long ago.

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