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5 women that WWE Superstar Matt Riddle has been romantically linked with in real life

In 2014, Matt Riddle kicked off his wrestling career on the independent circuit after spending a few years as an MMA fighter. He joined WWE four years later and is currently active on Monday Night RAW.

Riddle's wrestling career has had several controversial stories, including having heat with some of his famous co-workers such as Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns.

The former WWE United States Champions' love life has also been full of controversy. Over the past decade, the 36-year-old had reportedly had a few romantic relationships, including one with a fellow wrestler.

Here are five women Matt Riddle has been romantically linked with in real life.

#5. Matt Riddle's college girlfriend

In 1986, Matt Riddle was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He then moved to New York, where he went to Saratoga Springs High School. The former United States Champion excelled in wrestling during high school, which earned him a wrestling scholarship at East Stroudsburg University.

Despite winning several championships as a member of the university's wrestling team, Riddle's scholarship was terminated when his coach got fired. The 36-year-old was then working in a video store to earn a living. However, he did not have enough money to continue his studies and did not want to take out a student loan. Hence, he decided to drop out of college.

During these difficult times, Riddle had a girlfriend. According to the Las Vegas Sun, the former WWE United States Champion's girlfriend dumped him immediately after hearing of his decision to leave university.

#4. The Former WWE United States Champion's ex-wife Lisa Rennie

Before becoming a UFC and WWE star, Matt Riddle met and fell in love with former two-time LSU All-American gymnast Lisa Rennie. The couple dated for a few years before tying the knot in 2011. Over the next decade, they had three children together.

In an interview with the Bubba the Love Sponge show in 2020, Riddle stated that Rennie was "one of the strongest women he had ever known."

"She's one of the strongest women I know, because she has the ability to forgive and understand. And I have been honest with her. Some people are like, 'oh, I'm proud of you.' And I'm like, 'I did the wrong thing and then I did the right thing.' And then I was lucky enough to be with someone that's strong enough," he said. (H/T: The Sportster)

However, Riddle and Rennie's marriage ended in divorce last March, a few months after she accused him of walking out on their family in a tweet.

#3. Matt Riddle had an affair with Candy Cartwright

Matt Riddle had an affair with Candy Cartwright

While still married to Lisa Rennie, Riddle had a fling with independent wrestler Candy Cartwright. Their relationship came to light in 2020 when Cartwright accused the former WWE United States Champion of sexually assaulting her following an independent show in 2018.

In a video he posted on social media, Riddle denied Cartwright's accusations of sexual assault:

"I have never in my entire life sexually assaulted a man, woman, or anybody and that includes Candy Cartwright. I never sexually assaulted you. The story about that van trip and the driver being asleep and me forcing you to do stuff is a complete lie, it's a fabricated story because you're still mad," Riddle said. (H/T: Pop Culture)

However, Riddle admitted that he and the 30-year-old wrestler had an affair, claiming that he was the one who ended it:

"We had a relationship. We had a fling. I started to get sad and depressed because I was lying to my wife so much to hide what I was doing. I was lying to all my friends because I didn't want anybody to know. (...) I tried to end it. I told my wife about you and us. I tried to end it. I blocked you. I blocked your social media. You then started using messaging apps and you kept coming. I blocked those. I got a new number. You got my new number and kept messaging me. (...) At the end of the day, I'm not perfect. We did have an affair. And I'm not happy about that. But, I never sexually abused anybody," he added. (H/T: The Sportster)

In October 2020, Cartwright filed a lawsuit against Riddle, WWE, and Evolve president Gabe Sapolsky. Nearly four months after the court dismissed WWE and Sapolsky as defendants in the suit, Cartwright dropped the lawsuit in July 2021.

#2. Matt Riddle's ex-girlfriend Daniella Petrow

WWE Superstar Matt Riddle with his ex-girlfriend, Daniella Petrow

After separating from his ex-wife Lisa Rennie, Matt Riddle appeared with a new woman, Daniella Petrow, at the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony earlier this year. However, their relationship did not last long.

Last May, Petrow posted a video of Riddle on her Instagram account, dubbing him "a piece of s**t".

The OnlyFans star recently went on a Twitter rant, sharing screenshots of what she claimed were private conversations between her and Riddle. She also posted a few videos in which she talked about her relationship with Riddle, accusing him of forcing her to perform sexual acts on him.

#1. Matt Riddle's ex-girlfriend accused him of cheating on her with an unknown woman

Daniella Petrow accused Riddle of cheating on her with the woman in the picture

A few months after his breakup with Daniella Petrow, the OnlyFans star tweeted a photo of the former WWE United States Champion with another woman.

In the caption, Petrow implied that Riddle was dating that woman. She also accused her ex-boyfriend of cheating on her with that lady while they were still a couple.

"See fans send me s**t all the time about Matthew but looks like @SuperKingofBros is spending QT w his teenage lover he cheated on me w," she wrote.

Riddle has not addressed his ex-girlfriend's tweet. He neither confirmed nor denied dating the woman in the picture. Hence, it remains unclear if the current Monday Night RAW Superstar is now in a new relationship.

Also, check out five wrestlers that Brock Lesnar HATES

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