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Keeping Up With The Kardashians Recap 8/31/14: Season 9 Episode 19 Rocking the Cradle

Keeping Up With The Kardashians Recap 8/31/14: Season 9 Episode 19 “Rocking the Cradle”

Keeping Up With The Kardashians continues tonight with a new episode and the mid-season finale called, “Rocking the Cradle.” On tonight’s episode Kourtney surprises Scott with news of an unexpected third child; Scott shuts down.

On the last episode, when Khloé appeared to be living a secret life with a new group of friends and a guy, Kim and Kourtney made it their mission to get to the bottom of things. Meanwhile, a determined Kris wanted to help plan Kim and Kanye’s wedding, but risked upsetting her daughter by doing so. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode Scott shuts down and tries to run away when Kourtney surprises him with unexpected news: she’s pregnant with baby No. 3. Meanwhile, Kim is busy ironing out the final details of her wedding when major drama erupts between her and Brody over the logistics of her big day.

Tonight is going to be another crazy episode that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of E!’s “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” tonight at 9PM EST! Meanwhile, while you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this season of KUWTK?

RECAP: Tonight’s episode of Keeping up With The Kardashians begins with Kim meeting up with Bruce for lunch. Kim tells Bruce that she just wants to hurry up and have the wedding so that she can get pregnant again. She goes over where Bruce will have to stand during the ceremony and when he will walk her down the aisle. Afterwards Bruce notices Kim’s shoes, which have beads dangling from them. He jokes that her shoes have “dangleberries” hanging from them, and they look his butt “when his hemorrhoids are acting up.”

Afterwards Kim heads home and shows Khloe pictures from her wedding dress fitting. Khloe says she looks like Princess Diana in her wedding dress and Kim get offended. Kim says that she feels bad that they are having such a small ceremony and they can’t invite a lot of people that thought they were getting an invitation. Apparently Brody wants to bring his girlfriend, but Kim said that he can’t bring her because she doesn’t even know her. And, to top it off Rob still hasn’t given her answer about whether he is even coming to the wedding because he feels ugly.

Kendall and Kylie head to a meeting with their publisher to get copies of the book Rebels: City of Indra that they have been working on. Kendall and Kylie discuss with their publisher that they wanted to do the book to show people that there is more to them. The publishers remind them that they have to promote it on social media if they want it to be a success.

Kris, Khloe, and Kourtney are planning Kim’s surprise bridal shower with their assistants. Kim wanted Kris to keep it small with only five or ten people, but Kris is going all out. She is going to have a brunch, lots of booze, and a lingerie show.

Kim meets up with Kendall and Kylie in New York and takes them to her next dress fitting, they are dying to see the Givenchy dress that Kim has been raving about. Kim tries the dress on, and Kylie gushes that Kim looks beautiful and thinks that “Kanye is going to freak out.” Kim brags that it is the most beautiful dress she has ever seen.

At Kourtney and Scott’s house, Kourtney is packing for a trip. She has Scott come in to the bedroom with her and tells him that she is pregnant. Scott is shocked, and even speechless for a few minutes, he is clearly not happy about the news. He says “you just keep suckering me in to all of these kids.” Scott asks how long Kourtney has known that she is pregnant, and she reveals that she has known for weeks.

Bruce heads to a club to see his son Brody who just landed a DJ gig. While Brody is on the turntables, Bruce hangs out with Brody’s new girlfriend Kaitlynn. He thinks that Brody and Kaitlynn might be the real deal because she is different than his previous girlfriends.

Kris heads over to Kourtney’s house to drop off soup because she thinks that Kourtney has the stomach flu. She has no idea that it is actually morning sickness, Kourtney hasn’t told anyone but Scott that she is pregnant, and considering Scott didn’t take the news very well, she isn’t ready to tell anyone else.

Kim and Kris invite Bruce over to the house. Kim says they need to discuss his hair for the wedding, he argues that no one will be paying attention to his hair, they will all be looking at her wedding dress. He says that he will make sure his hair looks good, but there is no way he is going to cut off his ponytail.

At Kourtney’s house Scott is shooting hoops and Khloe is outside with him riding around in the kids’ motorized cars. Scott breaks the news to Khloe that Kourtney is pregnant, Khloe is confused because Kourtney didn’t even tell her about it. Scott says that he is “holding on by a string” and he has no idea how they are going to take care of or travel with three kids in the plane. Khloe tells him it will be fine, but Scott isn’t buying it.

Kim vents to Kourtney and Khloe that Brody is causing drama. Kris and Kim decided to invite Brandon and Leah to Paris for the wedding, and Kris is paying for their trip. Brody is furious that Kris invited Brandon and is paying for his trip. Kim has had enough of Brody’s drama. Khloe is watching Kourtney go to town on a box of vanilla wafers, Kourtney can tell that Khloe knows her secret, and thinks that Scott old Khloe they are pregnant.

Kourtney heads home and asks Scott if he told Kourtney about the baby. Scott tells Kourtney she should call everyone in her little squad and let them know her big secret, then he won’t ruin her surprise. They begin arguing over which one of them is more difficult to deal with, Scott tells Kourtney not to kick her while she is down.

Later at dinner Kim corners Bruce and tells her that she is at her “snapping point” and she is tired of Brody talking s—t about Kris. She explains that Brody is upset that Kris is paying for Brandon’s trip, and Kim won’t let him bring his girlfriend to the wedding. She tells Bruce he needs to talk to Brody before she freaks out on him.

Kourtney decides to break the news to Kris and Kim that she is pregnant again. She decides to tell Kim first, and Kim is excited for her. Afterwards, Kim lies and tells Kris that she is pregnant and won’t fit in to her wedding dress. Kris panics and then Kim reveals that she is just kidding, but Kourtney is really pregnant. Kourtney explains to her mom that Scott is not happy about it, and he left for a trip to Mexico for an appearance, and she is afraid that he is going to act like a wild animal.

It’s finally time for Kim’s bridal shower, and Kim has no idea what is in store for her. Kim shows up with Kris and is shocked to see a room full of like 50 women. Kim is shocked, she told her mom she could invite ten people, she had no idea that she was going to make such a huge deal out of it. Kris, Kourtney, and Khloe all take the stage and give speeches about how happy they are that she and Kanye are getting married.

The next morning Kourtney wakes up and can’t find Scott. He was supposed to come home last night and he never came home, she calls his phone and it is off. He texted her last night when his flight landed and told her that he was going out to dinner with his friend Sartini. Kourtney texted his friend and he said he never seen Scott. She calls Khloe and tells her that Scott is missing and his phone is off, Khloe offers to try and call him from her phone.

While Mason is getting his hair cut, Scott wanders through the front door. Before Kourtney can say anything to him he announces that he is “going to his room.” Kourtney follows him and tells him that he has a family and he can’t just come and goes as he pleases and she was up all night worrying about him. Scott says that he is going to try and work out his issues and he just doesn’t want to be depressed anymore.

At Bruce’s house he is hanging out with Brandon and Leah. He asks them if Brody is still upset about the wedding, but Brandon and Leah don’t know anything about it. Kris is learning how to paddle board from Brandon, but she has to go inside and change because she put her wetsuit on backwards. Kylie arrives with blue hell and Kris jokes that she looks like “Punk Rock Barbie” and then is concerned that her hair will be blue at the wedding in Paris.
Later Kourtney reveals to Kris that she wants to send Scott away to work on his issues with depression and alcohol. She asks Kris for advice about what rehab place they should send him to. Kourtney decides that she and Scott and their family are going to the Hamptons for the summer, she thinks that the calm atmosphere will help Scott with his issues. Khloe tells her she should check with Scott first before she starts making plans.

Later Kim tells Kris that Brody isn’t coming to the wedding because he is upset that Kris paid for Brandon and Leah’s trip. Kris says that it doesn’t even make sense because he flies all over the place and he has a ton of points. Kim is upset that Brody is trying to make Kris feel guilty about being generous.
Kourtney tells Scott that after they get home from Paris, she wants to rent a house in the Hamptons. Scott thinks it is ridiculous to go to the Hamptons now that both of his parents are dead, they kept putting it off the entire time his parents were alive, so why bother going there now. H says he is selling his parents house in the Hamptons, but Kourtney says he shouldn’t make any rash decisions about it because he is upset.

Scott has to do an appearance in Houston, so Kourtney decides to go with him and support him, she doesn’t want him alone when he is this depressed. They head back to the hotel after they leave the club and Scott jokes that she is a buzzkill. Kourtney brings up spending the summer in the Hamptons again, Scott says that he likes the Hampton and he would enjoy the summer there, but it is so frustrating because every year his parents invited them and they didn’t have time to go. And, now they have time, and his parents aren’t there.

Later Kim and Bruce try to Facetime with Kendall, but they don’t have good service. Bruce is worried about Kendall, he thinks she is homesick because she has been on the road for weeks doing gigs. Kim doesn’t want to hear it, if she wants to be a model then she needs to get used to living out of a suitcase.
Kourtney and Scott tell Kylie that they are having another baby, Scott tells Kylie that she should double up on birth control so that she doesn’t get pregnant. They tell her not to tell Kendall because they want to tell her in person. Penelope and Mason come running in to the room and Scott sits down on the floor and plays with them.

Bruce pays Brody a visit, and asks him why he isn’t going to the wedding in Paris. Brody insists that he could care less about the wedding, but Bruce can tell that it really bothers him. Brody argues that all Bruce cares about is Brandon and Leah, and they’ll be in Paris so he doesn’t have anything to worry about. Bruce tells him that he really wishes he would go and he wants to hang out with him in Paris. Brody tells him it isn’t going to happen, but Bruce can send him pictures.

At Kourtney and Scott’s house, Scott is packing for the Hamptons and he sends their cars on a truck to be there when they get there. He has decided to spend the summer in the Hamptons after all, because he knows it is what his parents would have wanted.

Kris sees Kim off, she is leaving for Paris for the big wedding. She packs her and North’s bags and climbs in the car and they wave good-bye to Kris.
