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Kris Jenner: My critics are very jealous, or bitter & angry about their own lives

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If you have about ten minutes today, I would really, seriously suggest that you read Kris Jenner’s Harper’s Bazaar profile in the March issue – you can read the full piece here. It is AMAZING. It’s a great read. It’s a profile of accomplishment, public relations savvy, famewhore-ism and insanity. Kris posed for these stupid Terry Richardson photos for the piece, and she invited Harper’s Bazaar into her home, into the sanctuary of her home office, for the interview. Did you know that Kris has her own gift-wrapping room? Did you know that Kanye has a full-time chef working at Kris’s house and the chef prepares meals and drinks for Kris too? Did you know Kris will fire people within hours if there’s a security breach in her home? All of that and much more is in this Bazaar piece. Some highlights:

On Caitlyn’s transition: “I think at some point, although it was difficult and, uh, a challenge… I just have to let it go. And try to be tolerant. Prayer. God. You know, just trying to understand. It takes time. But time is a wonderful healer. And we have two children together. It’s important for my kids to see our family strong and united.”

On being exposed to the transgender world: “I never really thought about it before. And I’d never known anyone who was transgender. I didn’t even know what the word meant. Because there’s transgender and transsexual… I just didn’t know much about it. So…I definitely got a big education.”

Whether Caitlyn’s transition made her doubt herself: “Thank God, I never doubted myself. I never really doubted my femininity. I just doubted the relationship. You know, what were those 20-plus years all about? And I felt like, at some point anybody would feel like, ‘Wow, why was I put through this? For 20 years I could have been, you know, doing something else.’ But I really do believe everything happens for a reason.”

She still considers herself a born-again Christian: “Oh, yes! It doesn’t go away! I believe in God and the power of prayer.”

On her son-in-law, Kanye West: “I couldn’t be prouder. One thing people don’t realize about him is, not only is he so beyond talented, but he’s also a genius. And when he’s here, he’s so present. He’s the best daddy, and the best husband. Kim is so lucky to have him.”

On the claims that she sold out her family for fame: “Nooooo. I made and created a show that my family was all on board with, and we were so excited because we got to work together.”

Whether she’s the victim of sexism: “I think there’s definitely an attitude when a woman accomplishes anything. But I also think people are very jealous. Or are bitter and angry about their own lives. So maybe they don’t have anything else to do but be nasty and criticize someone else. That sounds like a simple answer, but I don’t think it’s much deeper than that. And there are so many millions of people who are great to us that I can’t worry about some idiot in Oklahoma. You just have to have a thick skin and say, ‘That poor person, I feel sorry for you.’”

[From Harper’s Bazaar]

The consistent description of Kris Jenner is that she’s someone hyper-focused and hyper-organized, that she could give Martha Stewart a run for her money, that at the end of the day, Kris is all about promoting her family and she does it really well. On that count, I do think people are unfair to Kris – she’s an excellent manager, she’s type-A, she’s ambitious and all of that is well and good. But I think some of the complaints lodged against Kris – that she’s a superficial, vapid famewhore and she’s raised her children to be the same way – are completely legit. And dismissing those complaints as “YR JUST JELLY” is juvenile. Thus, proving the point that she’s vapid and superficial. Also: “Some idiot in Oklahoma”… spoken like a coastal elite with a disdain for the “flyover states.”

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Photos courtesy of Terry Richardson/Harper’s Bazaar.
