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Mormon Marie Osmond with more words of support for her awesome gay daughter

Marie Osmond
Marie Osmond is still being awesome, just giving interview after interview about how cool she is with her Mormon faith and how it doesn’t interfere with her loving and adoring her gay daughter. As we reported earlier this month, Marie Osmond came under some criticism when it was revealed that she had a gay daughter, and some media sources proclaimed that because of Marie’s Mormon faith, she was ashamed of her daughter. Marie quickly responded, giving an interview to an LA radio station and coming out not only in support of her daughter, but for gay civil rights in general, including the right to marry.

Marie’s most recent interview is from Entertainment Tonight (story via OK! Magazine), and Marie has even more to say about her gay daughter Jessica. Marie’s basic argument for loving her daughter seems to be “So what if she’s gay?” I’ve never really been a fan of Marie Osmond, but her eloquence and nonchalant support for her daughter has made me an Osmond convert:

If you expect Mormon Marie Osmond to be anything but supportive of her daughter Jessica, who is a lesbian, you’d be wrong. The entertainer and mother of eight says she’s totally supportive of her eldest child.

“I love my daughter! She’s my baby girl, come on,” she tells Entertainment Tonight. “So what if she’s gay? She’s my daughter and she’s an amazing woman and a good kid. I raised her, she better be good.”

Marie adds that her religion is no impediment when it comes to loving her children, no matter their sexual orientation.

“I think it’s sad when we have to separate something from society. Whether it’s, ‘Oh you’re Jewish,’ and then it was ‘Oh you’re a Mormon,’ or ‘Oh you’re gay.’ I love real people,” she explains. “A lot of women out there have gay children. Who cares? I want love. I’m a Christian and Christ loved everybody.”

Preach it, Marie!

[From OK! Magazine]

As previous articles about Marie Osmond have pointed out, she puts her time where her mouth is. She and brother Donnie appeared in pro-gay marriage posters after the passage of Proposition 8 in California, publicly breaking with the Church of Latter-Day Saints and winning a lot of love from gay activists. But I bet the best part for Marie is that her daughter knows she’s got her mother’s full support.

Marie Osmond is shown promoting her “Race for the Cure” doll to benefit breast cancer on 5/2/09 in Las Vegas. Credit: PRPhotos

Marie Osmond
