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washcloth: "This feels extremely racist"

Podcasters Tom Segura and his wife Christina Pazsitzky recently came under fire for saying that using washcloths in the shower is something that "poor people" do. The two were criticized after a short clip from the podcast went viral.

Both Tom and Christina are stand-up comedians who have been married since 2008. Tom co-hosts the podcast Your Mom’s House with Christina. They release a new episode every week, featuring various comedians.

The comment about washcloths has sparked a discourse on hygiene and cleaning habits, with many claiming the podcasters have an ignorant attitude and also a dismissive and racist nature.

Netizens criticized Tom Segura and Christina Pazsitzky (Image via Instagram/@dorianjihad)

On Twitter, many called the couple out for publicly admitting to being unhygienic and unclean since Tom mentioned that he does not wash his legs and feet, or use a washcloth.

Netizens criticize Tom Segura and Christina Pazsitzky for being ignorant about using washcloths

What did the podcasters say?

While discussing their showering habits on the podcast, Christina asked Tom if he was "anti-washes," to which Tom replied:

“I’m not going to wash my legs and feet.”

Christina then asked him if he thinks it was a “black people thing” to wash one’s legs and feet. Tom joked and answered that it was. He then said that he did not think it was a black people thing.

At the same time, he added:

“I think, using washcloth is for poor people, but I don’t think washing your legs and feet is for black people.”

Tom’s wife agreed with the statement and said it was something that poor people do.

Segura also said that he had only met poor people who use shower cloths. Christina asked if it was a European tradition, as she had European friends whom she saw using these cloths to scrub their bodies while showering.

Tom Segura responded to the question and said it was probably because they were poor. Christina mentioned that she never used it in her house and Tom replied that it was disgusting. He added:

“I’ve ended friendships when I saw washcloths. I’m serious. I don’t want that stink on me.”

However, Christina still suggested that maybe people use them during showers to avoid cleaning their private areas with their bare hands. But Tom made a disgusting face and joked about it nonetheless.

How netizens are reacting to the comment

People on Twitter ridiculed the comedians, saying one would need money to even buy wash towels, dismissing the 'poor people' comment. Some also noted that one needs to scrub their body with either a loofah or wash towels in order to exfoliate the skin and get the dirt and germs out of it.

Twitter user @MediumSizeMeech wrote:

User @makeupbyjoxlyn sarcastically commented that she never thought she would be called poor for keeping towels, that too by a group of people who did not even know that they were supposed to wash their legs and feet while showering.

Many criticized the allegedly unsanitary habits of white people and claimed that they stink because they don't wash their bodies properly with soap and loofahs.

Some people also suggested that you don't need to use the same washcloth every day. You can wash it after one use and dry it for the next use. But most pointed out that scrubbing one's skin was necessary to get rid of the dirt.

Tom and Christina's podcast account @ymhpodcast is currently private and there are no posts as of now. The account's bio said it was "not active" at the time of writing this article.

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